Friday 23 April 2010

spring colour

A local wildlife group held a fund raising event last Sunday which we wandered round to. These events in the community can be a bit hit and miss but it's nice to pop along and show support.

There were lots of fairground sideshow type games for the children to try their hand at and also a traditional Punch and Judy show for entertainment.

We took a picnic with us and from our spot on the grass we spied this rabbit hutch for sale at a nearby ironmonger's shop. A bit different wouldn't you say?

Our route home took us via the pond where T had gone fishing with his friend the other week and here T and G found some extremely long branches for a bit of Jedi fighting.

S was not to be left out and found her own so she too could take part.

As she is beginning to get herself settled and sorted in her new home my sister has been out looking in second hand furniture shops for a couple of old wardrobes which would be suitable for painting and shabby chic-ing up a bit. Whilst out helping her look last week I bought an old dining chair. It was only £1 and a bit tatty looking but I've spent an afternoon in the garden giving it a sanding down and a coat or two of duck egg blue paint and it's now looking much better. The seat needs covering so I'm not ready to reveal it yet, so instead of my work in progress I'm showing Nature's working in progress in our garden.
The clematis trailing over from next door is covered with buds.

The cherry blossom is white and frothy and completely gorgeous.

And the bluebells are making an appearance now too.

Yesterday I went to visit a friend who has recently retired from our place of work. She has just acquired a 9 week old Yorkshire terrier who is the smallest, cutest and bounciest little bundle of fur.
My friend lives near to a huge selection of charity shops which I quickly zoomed around before going to meet Poppy the puppy.
I was thrilled to find this lovely little wicker basket for £2.99. The lady who served me said her daughter has one like it in her dining room. All year round it is filled with fir cones except for at Christmas when she piles it high with baubles. I like that idea, although I think I'll be using mine for shopping.

And look at all these new pieces of jewellery. All of them priced at £1.00 each. The assistant in this shop said all the pieces they sell are over stock and returns from supermarket and department store ranges. It may not look it, but I was very restrained, more could have been purchased!

Tuesday 20 April 2010

on the hedge

Why can't I get my act together?
Last week I managed to post 2 days running and then nothing for over a week!
I either need to create an extra hour in the day or become far more organised. Neither very likely me thinks.
Anyway, I did sit down and try to post these photos of Malcolm a couple of days ago but then blogger decided to mess about and not want to transfer them.

We have, or should I say had, a monstrous hedge between us and one of our next door neighbours. G was out doing battle with it last week and had a ladder propped up against it. Malcolm could not resist and quickly whizzed up to the top surveying the garden from his newly found perch.

He was a bit slower on the way back down again though!
I just love his whiskers.

Tuesday 13 April 2010

Monday 12 April 2010


Treats through the post first.

A couple of weeks ago I blogged about some gorgeous new buttons I had bought to pretty up 2 coats that had been hanging unworn in my wardrobe foe a while. (These have now been sewn on.)
After reading this post Diane sent me a message saying If Iliked she would send me some more buttons to 'play with'. Yes please I answered. Well along with a wonderful stash of lovely buttons she sent us some heart shaped pasta. The children were thrilled just as much as me!

Look away now Diane! I have had an accident with the corsage!
To help get me inspired with what to do the buttons Diane included this corsage she had made. As I went to photograph it this morning I dropped it on our bedroom floorboards, the top button split in half and quickly rolled away down a gap between the boards! I'm going to have to do some repair work!
Thank you again Diane for your kindness.
When I bought my coat buttons I also bought this big green one. I have backed it with felt and sewn on a pin and it's now on the lapel of another coat.
In with Diane's buttons was a yellow and purple one just like this so I'm now spoilt for colour choice!

The postman bought me another parcel just before Easter. This one come from Italy and contained these very pretty craft pegs from Michela. I know life has been super busy for her these past few weeks and yet she found the time to buy and send out gifts. Thank you so much Michela.

These are my 2 charity shop buys from our day out on Saturday. A sparkly pink brooch for 99p.

And this pattern for 50p. Aren't they just so stylish. Not sure what I'll do with them yet. Maybe a beauty contest like the old days!

I haven't bought a weekend newspaper for AGES. I used to love buying a paper on a Saturday and wading through the extra supplements, but that was before we 2 became 3 and then became 4.
Yesterday though whilst out shopping for food for lunch I bought one. I knew I would have a bit of spare reading time as for the next few days we are down to just 3 again here. T has gone to stay with Auntie D and Grandma until Thursday. I shall miss him but I know he'll be having a great time with them.

And to top off last night I spent 2 hours in front of the TV with Michael Kitchen in a new Foyle's War. He's got such lovely eyes!

Sunday 11 April 2010

what we've been up to

It's been a busy first week of the Easter school hols.
The house is a tip and the things I had loosely planned for each day didn't quite happen, but we've been busy and had fun.
Last Saturday we all went to the cinema to see Nanny McPhee and thr Big Bang. We all enjoyed it although I have to say I still prefer the first one more.
I was more than a little distracted by the lovely clothes that the actress playing the mum gets to wear. Below is my favourite outfit and I especially love the button necklace.

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I have already managed to blog about
so now we are on to Thursday.
T was invited to go fishing with a friend. He'd never been before and was very excited about it. Whilst T and his friend went round to the Pond, S and I wandered around the wildlife area and found a spot to stretch out in the sun, play frisbee and blow bubbles.

Just across from us was a horse taking it easy too.

We saw lots of butterflies and bees and the air was full of birdsong.

As it crept closer to lunchtime we made our way over to where the boys were sat to drop of T's lunch to him.

S and I sat further along on our picnic rug and we were very happy watching the ducks ducking

and gazing up through the trees at the lovely blue sky.

Friday was probably the children's least favourite day. A trip to town for an opticians appointment, a quick meet up with G on his lunch break was their highlight,only to be followed by a dash into Primark and then a short play at the playground before home again.
Yesterday was a great day though.
We took the bus to Gosport.
I had packed us up a picnic and went prepared with a copy of the GosportWaterfrontTrail.
The bus journey ended more or less at the halfway point and so we had to decide if we wanted to walk up the trail or follow it down. Up was the answer.
This is the view from where we started. Across the water from Gosport is Portsmouth and there is a frequent ferry service between the two. The very tall building you can see over in Portsmouth is the Spinnaker Tower

The two tower blocks below were just to the right of us and according to the trail the mosaics which decorate them were initially quite controversial.

There are mosaics set into the pavements all the way along the walk to mark various parts of Gosprot's history. This one is to mark the passing of Queen Victoria's funeral train in 1901.

I loved these huge wire cages filled with rocks which are used instead of brick walls at the site of a new housing development.

And is this lead flashing on the tiles? Whatever it is it just reminded me of a Christmas tree and I liked the neatness and unformity of the tiles. It's these things that blogging makes you notice.

The next part of the walk takes you on to Royal Clarence Yard. It used to be the country's premier naval victualling centre but is now being transformed into housing. And from what we saw very nicely done too. This lion and unicorn sit at the top of the original entrance. My photo is quite rubbish, the link shows it so much better and you get to see the grand Governor's residence.

The walk draws to an end after you cross the Forton Lake Bridge

and reach the Explosion museum. We didn't go round the museum but G did visit the coffee shop which was very reasonablt priced

whilst I sat and admired the chippy, peeling paint on the outside!

We sat in the sun eating our picnic before an energetic game of 'it' and a more sedate game of frisbee.

Back in town we had just under an hour before our bus home where we found a plethora of charity shops. And yes I did buy a couple of bits which I'll put in my next post.
I hope the holidays have been good for everyone else so far.

Thursday 8 April 2010


The camera is in use in our home one way or another most days. Except yesterday. I forgot to take a single photo yesterday. And yesterday was an important day.
It was 2 years ago we all travelled home together and our family of 3 became our family of 4.
So 7th April is known as S Day in our home and we try and do something nice to celebrate. I began checking the internet a couple of weeks ago for activites during the Easter school holiday which may appeal and suggested going to Portsmouth for the day. There was a special children only disco in the afternoon. S could dance away and play games for a few hours to her heart's content.
'No thank you mummy' she replied.
'What would you like to do?'
'See Auntie C and go to the park please.'
So that's what we did.
Minus the camera!
So instead of a photo from yesterday here's one from 2 years ago.

Easter Monday we had our egg trail for the children. Clues were given out to find the chocolate stash hidden in the house and garden.
Love this photo of them. T was appalled that we had put (wrapped) chocolates on top of the compost. Nothing was going to stop S from adding to her haul!

This pot held some mini eggs, my daffodils are nearly out.

And S modelling the final 2 eggs.

Tuesday I took the children over to Hythe, which is a 12 minute ferry ride away. They really enjoyed the trip on the water and wanted it to go on for longer. Once off the ferry you can either walk up the pier or catch the world's oldest pier train, it's listed as such in the Guinness Book of Records.

Once in the little village centre we tried all the suggested places listed on the website to pick up a copy of Healthy walks around Hythe. I would have printed on off before leaving home but we are out of ink. Unfortunately no-one had a copy.
Not even here at the local council office. Isn't that a pretty place to work.

Especially being able to look out the window at these gardens.

We did have a wander round of sorts, we visited the playarea, found a charity shop or two to mooch in and had a very unhealthy lunch of chips.

The children want to visit again in the summer. Next time we are taking G, a picnic and a homeprinted copy of the walking guide.

Friday 2 April 2010

a good friday

A quiet indoorsy day for us.

Which involved...............

Hanging up some Easter decorations

Making some bunnies to give as our version of an Easter card

Drinking coffee and eating hot cross buns with chocolate chunks in

Making the masks I received from Lydia in her fabulous giveaway.
Although I think G and I possibly make the 2 least cute spring lambs ever!

But these 2 are definitely cute, biased though I may be!

Happy Easter to everyone who pops by here.