There were lots of fairground sideshow type games for the children to try their hand at and also a traditional Punch and Judy show for entertainment.
We took a picnic with us and from our spot on the grass we spied this rabbit hutch for sale at a nearby ironmonger's shop. A bit different wouldn't you say?

Our route home took us via the pond where T had gone fishing with his friend the other week and here T and G found some extremely long branches for a bit of Jedi fighting.

S was not to be left out and found her own so she too could take part.

As she is beginning to get herself settled and sorted in her new home my sister has been out looking in second hand furniture shops for a couple of old wardrobes which would be suitable for painting and shabby chic-ing up a bit. Whilst out helping her look last week I bought an old dining chair. It was only £1 and a bit tatty looking but I've spent an afternoon in the garden giving it a sanding down and a coat or two of duck egg blue paint and it's now looking much better. The seat needs covering so I'm not ready to reveal it yet, so instead of my work in progress I'm showing Nature's working in progress in our garden.
Our route home took us via the pond where T had gone fishing with his friend the other week and here T and G found some extremely long branches for a bit of Jedi fighting.
S was not to be left out and found her own so she too could take part.
As she is beginning to get herself settled and sorted in her new home my sister has been out looking in second hand furniture shops for a couple of old wardrobes which would be suitable for painting and shabby chic-ing up a bit. Whilst out helping her look last week I bought an old dining chair. It was only £1 and a bit tatty looking but I've spent an afternoon in the garden giving it a sanding down and a coat or two of duck egg blue paint and it's now looking much better. The seat needs covering so I'm not ready to reveal it yet, so instead of my work in progress I'm showing Nature's working in progress in our garden.
The clematis trailing over from next door is covered with buds.

The cherry blossom is white and frothy and completely gorgeous.

And the bluebells are making an appearance now too.

Yesterday I went to visit a friend who has recently retired from our place of work. She has just acquired a 9 week old Yorkshire terrier who is the smallest, cutest and bounciest little bundle of fur.
The cherry blossom is white and frothy and completely gorgeous.
And the bluebells are making an appearance now too.
Yesterday I went to visit a friend who has recently retired from our place of work. She has just acquired a 9 week old Yorkshire terrier who is the smallest, cutest and bounciest little bundle of fur.
My friend lives near to a huge selection of charity shops which I quickly zoomed around before going to meet Poppy the puppy.
I was thrilled to find this lovely little wicker basket for £2.99. The lady who served me said her daughter has one like it in her dining room. All year round it is filled with fir cones except for at Christmas when she piles it high with baubles. I like that idea, although I think I'll be using mine for shopping.