Monday, 20 May 2013

Mum's the word

We had a visitor this weekend.
 G invited his mum to come and stay. 
She arrived Saturday morning just after I came back home from a jumble sale which I had gone to with my mum.
I didn't buy much but I was pleased with the things I did get, my favourite buy being this BHS single floral duvet cover in pale shades of pink for all of 30p. It looks like it's hardly been used and will be perfect or using when we have people to stay.
Mum had the best buy by far though.
A pair of floral patterned and fully lined bedroom curtains from Marks and Spencer for 50p.
 Already she has washed and hung them in place and text to say they look gorgeous.

Once we were all revived with teas, coffees and shortbread biscuits we all wandered down to the local wildlife study centre for their Spring fair. We try and go to Summer one as there is always lots going on. Although the Spring event is on a smaller scale one of the main reasons for going is the plant sale. We were very restrained this year though. Both mum's bought a lavatera and my purchase amounted to one trailing geranium and this alchemilla.
By mid afternoon the sun had really started to shine so once we were home again we went out in the garden.
Whilst G and I stood chatting over the fence to our neighbours our mum's sat chatting to each other. They don't meet often but when they do they find they are never short of something to talk about.

G's mum enjoys a wander around a car boot as much as we do so that's where we headed Sunday morning for an hour. I already have a couple of pieces of this Polish tableware which I have bought at the Country Living fair and was thrilled to find this little teapot for £1.00. I've been using it lots today, it's the perfect size for one.

G's mum is having a tough time at the moment grieving for the loss of her husband and although she tries to keep busy it's very hard at times. Time spent with family talking over memories, seeing her grandchildren and having a good old chinwag with my mum all helped and she said the night away had done her good which for G was good to hear as he worries about her.


  1. That sounds like a pleasant weekend and I love your little tea pot :)

  2. Grief is hard. I'm glad she has a loving family around.

  3. Lady's Mantle! One of my very favorites. And your duvet cover has a couple of the same floral prints as mine does - fancy that!

    Thinking of your mum-in-law. I wish we could get her and my mother together, as I know they are walking the same difficult path at the mo.

    Email soon - been a rough week. xoxo

  4. I bet she felt like a new woman after she left you. You sound like you did her the world of good. It must be the hardest time for her. xxxx

  5. I'm sure seeing you all & your own mum helped G's mum.
    Sweet little teapot.
    Sorry not to see you this week - one day we will meet !

  6. It sounds like you had a lovely family weekend with lots of bargain hunting thrown in for good measure. I'm sure it will have done G's mum the world of good being with her family, it's important to talk about all the memories when you're suffering from grief.

  7. It sounds like her stay with you will have been a real tonic for her.
    I've seen that polish pottery before - it would go well in my kitchen!

  8. A lovely weekend Lisa and good for G's Mum to come and stay for a while. I think your teapot is gorgous! They cost a bit normally don't they? I hope that you are all well. x

  9. It's so nice that your mum and your mother in law get along and enjoy chatting together. I hope G's mum felt comforted by the time spent with family. I think it's good to talk about the person who passed away and keep their memory alive. x

  10. How nice to be able to spend time with her and look after her a little. I'm sure she loved being with her family.

  11. Good wishes to you and your family. What a bargain your teapot was and I recognise that duvet. I too have it as a spare for visitors but I certainly didn't pay 30p for it. Lucky you.
