Old magazine and clothing catalogues of my mums would be trawled through and cut up. My aunt used to bring us old Simplicity and Style pattern books from the shop she worked in and me and my sisters would cut out hundreds of the 'models' and play fashion parades giving a running commentary on the clothes as they were paraded up and down the 'catwalk'. Or beauty contests where we would make up names and jobs and hobbies for each contestant.
Also making collages on with a specific theme. I remember I did one for school on the 5 senses, all lips and eyes and hands.
Gluing, cutting and sticking.
Hours of fun and happy memories.
I still enjoy cutting out pictures. Sometimes they have been useful for projects that the children have had to go at school. Sometimes they get pasted in my inspiration book. Mostly though they have just accumulated into a big fat pile.
On Monday I was feeling a bit bleurgh. Rubbish weather and a few other issues that combined to a make me a bit low. As I was doing the housework I noticed the box under the bed where all my cutouts are kept and decided to have a rummage.
Oh I'm so glad I did. It was very soothing. Out came the glue and a small piece of cardboard and I spent a very happy hour absorbed in choosing a selection of pictures and words.