Thursday, 7 June 2012

Tidy and Stocked Up

One good thing about the rain and not being able to get out very much is that we now have very tidy drawers.
 As in the ones in pieces of furniture, not the under garment type! I have sorted, chucked and re-homed various bits and pieces and now I really do think I know where everything is in our house.

I have also spent some time with S in newly part decorated bedroom sorting clothes and toys and we have a couple of bags worth of items for the charity shop and some toys to go to friends of ours who have just been approved as adoptive parents.

Something which took 5 minutes to do and which will hopefully save a bit of time in the morning when she needs a hair slide and we are due out of the door in 2 minutes and one can't be located, is hanging a length of ribbon from
 the frame of her wardrobe and clipping all the slides onto it.

Another well and truly tidy corner of the house is the food cupboard. Since we decorated the dining room last year and made over an old wardrobe into a type of larder I have been trying to do big grocery shops every few weeks stocking up on the staples. This was partly to try and save money buy buying in bulk and partly to try and save the amount of time spent shopping.
In a recent visit to Sainsbury's I was given a voucher for 2000 extra nectar points if I did my first on-line shop. As delivery mid week is free too I thought I would give it a whirl. So I ordered all the store cupboard basics I thought we would need for a couple of months. We now have 30 cartons of apple juice and 20 cartons of orange juice and the shelves are piled high with tins and jars! I shall be keeping an eye on our usage and may have to tweak the quantities of things. I do a menu plan each week so there will be the odd free things needed along the way but knowing that for a while my buying will be mainly limited to bread/milk/fruit/veg and meat makes the thought of going to the supermarket much less like a chore.


  1. Goodness you are organised. I don't know what it is but I love pictures of the inside of peoples cupboards! I guess I'm just nosey! I love your idea of stocking up, I've been doing similar myself.

    I didn't know Sainsbury's had free midweek delivery, I'll be checking that out, thanks :)

  2. I've got some tidy drawers too .... rainy holidays are useful I suppose.
    Love the idea of a huge shop for the basics and just shopping for the fresh stuff as and when. I'm not that organised, but I'll get round to it one day!

  3. Too organised! But I like it.
    The ribbon idea is a good one... as long as you/she remembers to put the slides back. Setting up organisational ideas I can do, but the maintenance is where I fall down! I wish you two every success!

  4. Ahhh menu planning how I love thee! We have been doing this for a fair few months and it really does make a difference not only how much time you waste and money you spend in the shops but it does give you a chance to experiment with the odd new receipes here and there.

    Sounds like you have been busy like me in the 'sorting' stuff out department. Lala's room has been given a good over, Boo's tomorrow. Wish me luck I could be sometime!

    Good idea with the slides too.

    P x

  5. My you have been busy! Like the ribbon with the hair slides! We have a tin with hair clips etc in - which has to be replenished on a regular basis - as although someone goes to school with two hair slides invariably one or none come home!

  6. That is a mahoosive stock up! I meal plan now where possible, food seems to be rising in cost....
    Love S & her hair clip collection - good idea.


  7. I'm impressed! It's a lovely feeling when you've had a good old tidy out.
    I recently purchased some zip storage bags,washed all my Winter scarves,gloves and hats and popped them in a bag and under the bed.It's a start I suppose! :0)

  8. Wow I wish I could be as organised as you - I will try with the bulk shopping when my kitchen is finished. I love the hair slide idea too, may have to steal that one!

  9. You're so organised. I don't stock up on things as I have nowhere to store them, your wardrobe makeover sounds like a good idea. I've still never done an online shop. I've looked, but I do actually quite like to go shopping.

  10. Glad it's not just me enjoying organising and sorting at the moment!

    Have a great weekend,

    Victoria xx

  11. The slides on the ribbon is a great idea! Food shopping can be such a drag can't it, well done for getting organised.

  12. Great to have a sort out now & then. I'd love to have a good store of juice & tins but not sure where to keep it all !

  13. Lisa - youve turned into my mother! All that Apple juice should ward off scurvvy ! I love a challenge to save money on food - its something we were taught at school and i think that they should bring it back. xxxxxx

  14. Funnily enough, I've just done my menu plan for the week before sitting down to read some blogs! Couldn't live without it. Love the ribbon for the hair slides - simple idea but so practical, and pretty, too! x
