Monday, 23 February 2015

Double Celebrations

Today is T's birthday and he is now 15 years old.
He was up at 6am this morning.
That never happens on a school day.
He was rushing around to leave on time 2 and a half hour later.
That usually happens on a school day.

Today  is also S's birthday and she is now 10 years old.
Double digits.
Very exciting.
Because she had an early start to the day too there was time to begin knitting a Monster High hat on the loom kit we gave her as one of her gifts.

Both children went off to school with those enormous badges pinned to their jumpers and big grins on their faces.
Tonight we are all out together. First up will be a couple of games bowling which will then be followed by a meal somewhere of their choosing. Knowing these two it'll feature pizza.


  1. Happy birthday to T and S. Hope you all enjoy your time together after school, bowling sounds like fun and pizza is always good.

  2. Happy Birthday to both of them. I can't believe they are so grown up now, but then, we've known each other a long time now. Enjoy your evening - avoid Nando's!!! xxxxx

  3. Happy Birthday T and S! Hope you have a fabulous family evening (pizza would be my choice too - enjoy!).

  4. Happy Birthday to T and S! Enjoy your bowling and pizza tonight!

  5. Can one ever have too much pizza? I hope you all have a good time!

  6. How did I not know before that T and S had the same birthday?!! Happy happy birthday to them both - a double celebration - how lovely! x

  7. Two birthdays in one day oh my goodness, at least I only have the one today. I hope you all had a lovely time whatever way you chose to celebrate in the evening.

  8. I hope T and S both had very Happy Birthdays and that you all had a fun evening together. x

  9. Wishing S & T both a very happy birthday. Have a lovely evening xx

  10. A LOOOOM hat???? Out of loombands????
    Wow, didn't know you could do that!!!
    Happy birthday to both.xx
