Wednesday 4 January 2017


....... edge pieces from the middle pieces.
My sister gave me this very festive jigsaw for Christmas.
I'm looking forward to making a proper start on it at the weekend.

....... out the first aid box. That round wicker box on the left is where we keep our first aid supplies. Granted it's not the most interesting job but one which certainly needed doing judging by the amount of out of date items it contained.
It will need replenishing as now it mostly contains plasters and indigestion tablets.

..... through the gift bags full of presents and making sure T and S send out thank yous to the appropriate people for the appropriate gifts.

...... as I repack the Christmas decorations into their storage boxes. Not everything has gone back in the loft. I've already got one carrier bag full of odds and ends from around the house which needs to be donated to the charity shop.

........ S's wardrobe, with her help, which resulted in a black bin liner of clothes which also need to go the way of the charity shop. I may try and keep a list of the amount that leaves the house destined as either a charity shop donation or for the textile recycling bank, for no other reason than my own curiosity.


  1. It's a good time of year for sorting things out. I've also got a bag of things waiting to be donated to the charity shop and a few books waiting to be taken to Tesco, they have a bookshelf where you can buy books in exchange for a donation to charity. The jigsaw is such a pretty picture and I like the selection of Thank You cards.

  2. Sometimes I find it so rewarding to have a sort out ...

    That puzzle looks great, and yes, very festive.

    All the best Jan
