Thursday, 24 March 2011

Paper Garden

A couple of weeks ago S drew a picture and presented it to me with 'mum this is for you to stick your pictures on.'
I thanked her for being so thoughtful and assured her I would certainly do just that. Later on it got popped into the basket on my bedroom bookcase along which contains all my magazines and cutouts and every so often I've glimpsed it sat there waiting for me.
As I hung another load of washing out on the line this morning I decided that today I would use my picture as an inspiration board for the garden.
Here's what I chose

No 1 - beautiful sweet peas growing up willow supports
No 2 - fresh eggs collected from our chickens. We don't have any and it's not likely we will, but this is my dream garen after all!
No 3- old metal containers full of candles for the balmy summer evenings spent outside
No 4 - a bit of recycling here. Empty food cans painted and planted up or just used for pretty posies
No 5 - deckchairs, rugs, books, glasses of elderflower cordial
No 6 - assortment of chairs around a big table covered with a rosy cloth and bunting
No 7 - washing drying on a line strung between sturdy old trees, maybe in the orchard?
No 8 - a never ending supply of soft fruits so I could make jam and cakes and ice creams and other delicious goodies because I would suddenly become a terrific cook as well as a gifted gardener
No 9 - a robin to come and visit me each day, no garden should be without one.
What would you have in yours?


  1. I would have more than my currant 1 apple tree in my "orchard", I would have a summer house, I would have a sea view from it too. We can dream can't we. xxxxx

  2. All of it looks gorgeous! You can always use a bit of my green house to grow some seeds. There is plenty of room! I cant wait to see what you come up with.

    Lou xxxx

  3. A lovely summerhouse where I can sit and sew any time of the year!

    I am growing flowers again, let me know if theres anything you want.


    love the robin!

    Oh I just read that Diane wants a summerhouse too!

  4. It would be much the same as yours,but with a sea view! Hope you are enjoying the sunshine. :0)

  5. I have an exercise book with snippets collected rather like this. I must say I do always forget to refer to it though! I'd be quite happy with a garden/allotment full of dahlias! I'd love to have the chance to share Poppy's greenhouse! x

  6. What a lovely thing for your little girl to give you. And great idea too!

    I love all your ideas for your dream garden. Mmm I would definately love a summer house in mine. And i will behave ..... no more hunky gardeners......... lol.

    MBB x

  7. Ah, how sweet of S. I would definitely have some chickens, I've wanted them since I was a little girl and I used to collect the eggs from my friend's chickens.

  8. If I will ever get my own garden, I cannot decide between an apparently "messy" English cottage garden style with wild flowers and a Mediterranean one with olive trees, Lavender, Rosemary, etc..

  9. I'd have a beach hut, a shed, a summerhouse, a shepherd's hut and a tree house. Then I could sleep around! Oh and a park bench with a brown paper bag with a bottle of VP sherry inside. So that when I decide to become a trampess I will have at least got some experience.

    Great blog Lisa.

    All love,


  10. sounds like my sort of garden too, can I join you?
